As it emerges that many of the top leaders in government, business, banking, law enforcement, politics, military, religion, education, technology, science, philosophical societies, the entertainment industry and Hollywood, the music industry, big pharma and media are practicing Satanists and Dark Occultists, we would do well to understand the mentality of their behavior and religion.
We need to understand what methods they are using against us to institute their New World Order. As Sun Tzu said, “Know thy enemy.”
Enter Mark Passio
Former Satanist and dark occultist, Mark Passio, was brought up in an average semi-religious Roman Catholic family in Pennsylvania. After becoming disheartened with his religion and feeling it was nothing more than a mechanism of control for his family and society, he became angry and developed a downright hatred towards organized religion.
By high school, having no other base of real knowledge to draw from and looking for a form of rebellion against organized religion, he discovered Satanism and dark occultism, or what he thought to be the complete antithesis to organized religions at that time in his life. Later he discovered he was dead wrong.
Mark specifically gravitated towards Satanism for many years. “Many people who are not in Satanic cults get scared when they hear talk about Satanism. They don’t really seem to understand its philosophy or know what it really is. Many people have a picture in their mind of what they think it really is, but it’s actually very different in reality than what most people believe that it is.”
Here is what Mark has to relate about these Satanists and Dark Occultists who are running a large majority of the world today. In one way, Satanism is the opposite of religion in that it is diametrically opposed to ALL morality.
The 4 Tenants of Satanic Ideology
“There are 4 basic tenants to the Satanic ideology. The first tenant of Satanism is the the “self” is essentially the “god” in this religion. The “ego” is put up on a pedestal. It is not that the ego is worshipped, but it is the highest thing to aspire to in Satanism. It is the act of self-preservation and aspiring to serve the self only and not others.
It is a self serving ideology all about me, me, me. It doesn’t matter if the Satanist has to step on somebody else to get what they want, or if somebody else has to suffer or lose in order for the Satanist to win. It is about doing whatever the Satanist wants to put themselves in an advantage over other people, with no regards to ethics or morality. It is about controlling other people and serving the self, no matter who has to get hurt in the process.”
“The second tenant is “moral relativism”. Moral relativism simply means that you do not believe there is any real difference between “right” or “wrong”. There is no objective right or wrong, morality means nothing.
Whatever is good for me, I try to do. Whatever is bad for me, I try to avoid. It is pure selfishness. It doesn’t matter if there is injustice going on all around the Satanist. As long as they are o.k., they don’t get involved. There is no morality, the rule is “do whatever you want, just don’t get caught”.
Aleister Crowley’s “Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” comes to mind when meditating on this mindset. “
“The third tenant of Satanism is “Social Darwinism”. Since they believe in self-preservation as the highest aspiration and also moral relativism, Satanism is an easy pathway into Social Darwinism because this ideology postulates that whoever in society is the most ruthless, should come out on top and should rule the rest of humanity.
It is a “Survival of the fittest” mentality with a dark twist. It is the idea of taking Darwinism into the social realm. In other words, whoever is the most cunning in society should come out on top, with no regard for morality or others in getting to the top.
This mentality says that if you can acquire more resources, more money, more power, more wealth, more influence, do that, that’s o.k., no matter what you have to do to others to get those things or who gets harmed in the process.”
“The fourth and final tenant of Satanism is the logical conclusion of the first three tenants, “Eugenics”. If you have a self serving ideology that puts the self above all else with no regards for others, you don’t care about the difference between right or wrong and you also think that the most cunning , brutal and ruthless should be rewarded the most in society, you can see that it is a slippery slope and the easiest path to Eugenics.
Eugenics is the idea that there is a super class essentially that should get to decide who lives and who dies, who breeds and who does not breed, who propagates their genetic make-up and who is not permitted to do that. Eugenics is about population reduction, introducing slow kill methods or soft kill methodologies into the population to control them.
Ultimately it’s about population “culling” programs and thinning the population if need be. “
“We can see how Eugenics is a comfortable fit for people who believe that they are “gods” on Earth, which is what the Satanic and Dark Occultism ideologies are all about, and are thus either borderline or fully psychopathic with extreme sociopathic tendencies and inclined to practice social Darwinism.
These practitioners feel that they are superior to everybody else due to the nature of the secret metaphysical and alchemical knowledge they gain in these cults and think their own genes should propagate and not the genes of the “ignorant, profane or vulgar”.
Who are these Satanists?
When mark got into Satanism he had no idea that this was the ideology that was controlling the world. He did not recognize it at that time. Mark was under the delusion that these were just isolated individuals working towards their own self-betterment in society. As he began to get more deeply involved into Satanism he became aware that this was an extremely large, tightly knit society and network of important and influential people.
“These groups were working with ancient occult (hidden) knowledge for reasons of gaining more influence and power in society and working together towards a common goal. This goal was to “increase their own collective power at the expense of everybody else’s freedom. They were about controlling ALL of society and ultimately enslaving other people”. This is what the agenda was at the highest levels of Satanism and Dark Occultism.”
“They comprised an organized syndicate of networks. These networks operate as psychological filtration systems. In other words, the low level groups such as the Church of Satan (which Mark was involved with), The Temple of Set, the Order of the Evil Eye, etc. were acting as psychological vetting systems.
They were trying to identify people with certain characteristics, traits and talents that they could exploit and bring up into their system for the purposes of furthering their agenda. These low level organizations are sort of like the Army recruiting offices for Satanism and Dark Occultism if you will. These networks and organizations are involved in the control and manipulation of all of human society.”
Mark left the Satanic cult when he realized what it was actually about. While he was into the idea of increasing his own power, he was not consciously able to commit to the idea of the enslavement of other people. While in the Church of Satan, he met people in these networks from every single aspect of society and every single social institution on the face of the earth.
At many of the Satanic “rituals” and meetings Mark met high up people in medicine, banking, law, military, police, entertainment, technology, media, education, etc. They were all working together towards a common goal, as well as gaining personal power and knowledge in society individually.
“The goal is to rule over other people from the shadows as their “gods”. These networks are a hidden establishment who have been working together and grooming people to be put into positions of power to benefit the entire network. It is a hidden establishment, the hidden hand we often hear about.”
If you have ever seen the movie “Eyes Wide Shut” by Stanley Kubrick, you will get a very real sense of what is going on with all of these top occultists in positions of power and influence. Stanley died suspiciously during the editing of this film. It really makes one wonder.
Here is a short but highly disturbing testimonial by someone who was forced into sex slavery by one of these ritualistic groups of power elite. There are thousands of these stories out there in print and certainly many more than that kept quiet.
How are people duped into joining?
“One of the ways these organizations get people to continue to be susceptible to their influence and methods of “mind control” is that they get certain people to “buy into” a lower level, less intense variant or “sanitized” version of the Satanic belief system. The person being manipulated might not think they are personally a god or in control of anything, but they are implanted with the idea that they only care about themselves.
In other words, they get people to buy into the first tenant of Satanism without having to be knowledgeable in the other three tenants. They have been working towards creating a society that is so tough and taxing that the average person only has time and energy to care about themselves, be self serving and do whatever it takes just to make it through the day and survive, with no regards to whether their actions or the organization they work for is doing some type of harm to others or society.
This mentality is in fact a low level version of the Satanic ideology. “
“If they can keep people locked into this self-serving mindset, these people will always be able to be ruled by the “Alphas” of this mentality, mindset and ideology. This is exactly where they have the majority of society today. They have a majority of society already in a Satanic mindset, unknowingly.
How do Satanists and Dark Occultists actually control populations?
Most people are practicing low level Satanism and don’t even know it, because they have this self serving mentality, serve to self before anyone else, I don’t really look outside of my own little circle or group of my friends or my family. This mentality says that it doesn’t make a difference what’s happening in the world, what injustices are being committed, what freedoms and liberties are being usurped, as long as I’M o.k. and my little circle of friends and family aren’t suffering, I’m willing to do nothing and turn a blind eye to the rest of it.
If I have my house, my bed and food on my table, I don’t care what’s going on with anybody else in the world. How many people are locked into this mentality every day?”
“This is how these networks maintain control of people. As long as people are kept in this selfish mindset, people can be easily controlled by the most ruthless, vicious Alpha members of the Dark Occult networks.
These “Alpha” members constitute the “Priest Class” of these Satanic and Dark Occult Networks.” Can someone say “Bohemian Grove”? “The Alpha Priest Class is always going to rule anybody who has this very low vibratory level and state of consciousness.
Only when a person comes out of the mindset of self serving interests and service to self and your small surrounding network only and you pull back and look at the wider global picture, understand what’s going on with human freedom at a deeper level and start to understand the true differences between right and wrong, do the controllers of these organizations lose the power to control you any longer.
“This is known as “Natural Law”. Natural law is made up of universal spiritual laws that govern the consequences of human behavior.
Only when we start to understand this higher level of consciousness, awareness, when we take this understanding into ourselves and achieve these higher understandings and consciousness are we not going to be susceptible to their control and their methodologies of control that take place psychologically in the mind.”
“We can see this is easier said than done. Some of the methods they use to keep us in a state of shortage, lack of time, fear and ignorance to the point where we choose to work for their corporations that do harm to the planet and others, choose to join their militaries and police and kill or hurt people, join their fractional reserve banking systems or collection agencies and rob peoples personal money and possessions, rob or harm people to steal their money, or even turn a blind eye to injustices in other countries because we are just barely getting by ourselves.”
Money is a magic talisman. The belief that it holds value and the belief that a human doesn’t have the right to live on this planet without paying for it and working a slave job to acquire this magic paper is just one method they use.
“The use of the media and propaganda to paint other humans as bad or villains that need to be killed in order to protect us from their ideologies is another form of this occult magic.
The idea that you have to work 40 to 60 hours a week in order to get the proper money to live or proper health care if you are sick and thus only have time and energy to think of yourself and not help others is another method that is constantly used against us.”
Statutes or spells?
There are controlling laws that say you can’t feed the homeless or other absurd bundles of laws and statutes that make it too hard to help anyone else anyway.
Laws are nothing more than “spells”, words on paper that only have power because we falsely believe those who wrote those words have the power to rule over us and we are kept in fear of their enforcement officers hurting us or even jailing us if we don’t follow these fictitious pieces of paper or magic talismans, if you want to call them that.
The law enforcement officers are under the same mind control as the rest of us and many of them are in these Satanic networks themselves. We could simply non-comply at any time we choose if these rules and laws are unjust and don’t serve society in a positive way.
There is a constant control of the economy and a heavy taxation system by these networks to make sure most of us don’t have the financial means to help anyone else other than ourselves even if we did have the conscious desire to do so.
Other methods glorify musicians, movie stars and even elite business people and brainwash us to think that we are not successful unless we acquire money, fame, material wealth and or power. The list goes on and on.
How do we break free?
So what can we do to get out of this mess and break free from this control system? “One of the many remedies to fighting these controlling Dark Occult and Satanic networks lies in studying occultism and metaphysics in the positive way. Yes, there is such a thing as “positive occultism.”
Many people say that occultism is all bad. That is not true at all. There is hidden knowledge that is not widely or popularly known. That is all that the word “occult” means, “hidden from the majority”. The black occultists try their best through print and film media to make us believe the occult is all evil and demonic, for they dare not tell us what metaphysical and psychological powers we all have nor what metaphysical and psychological trickery they are using against us to control us.
They want us to think that magic and occult practices are only about men in black robes with strange symbols and candles on the floor, chanting magical incantations and summoning demons from other realms to do their bidding. This is a tiny grain of sand of Dark Occultism in a vast beach full of light and dark occult knowledge, but the sacred knowledge is much more vast than what we are led to believe.”
So what is this hidden knowledge then?
“A large body of this ancient and modern occult knowledge is all about how the human psyche actually works. This is very powerful information that we can take in to ourselves, learn and grow from! We can study deeper aspects of the self and of psychology. “Know thyself”.
We can study consciousness and understand how it really works. We can go inward and attempt to balance aspects of our own consciousness. We can re-shape our diet and pay better attention to the nutrients that we consume and eat.
We can pay more attention to the media that we take in and consume and the kinds of books that we read and the kinds of videos and films that we watch, etc. In this way we can put ourselves in a more balanced state. We cannot get into a position to help and heal others until we have helped and healed our own self and removed this mindset of selfishness and self-preservation.”
Mark Passio believes that one of the core beliefs and philosophies of the Satanic and Dark Occultists is based on a “false assumption”. “
The Satanists and Dark Occultists will tell you that evil, greed and selfishness is humanities natural state, or “human nature”. Mark strongly disagrees.
His viewpoint is that Satanists and Dark Occultists are confusing “human nature” with the current “human CONDITION”. Many people hear this statement that humans are naturally evil, greedy and selfish hedonists and agree with it.
They agree with it because they see what many humans are like RIGHT NOW in the world, at this particular time and place in history. They say “oh yeah, people are just selfish, they want selfish things they don’t care about anybody but themselves, it’s just human nature.””
“What people don’t understand is that the negative selfish behaviors that they are seeing playing out like that in society is NOT THE NATURE OF A HUMAN BEING.
It is the CONDITION that human beings have BEEN WORKED INTO, through mind manipulation, through the horrible conditions of daily life on this planet in many places in these modern times, through the mindset that is propagated by other people in positions of control and power and even those around us who are victims of this brainwashing, societal programming and mind control, whether knowingly or unknowingly.“
“It has nothing to do with the nature of a human being. If we are to be honest, many people go completely in the other direction and say that the nature of a human being is totally good and pure and unselfish and is only this way because of all of the corruption and negative elements in society. This is not true either.
The human beings nature can be described as angelic or demonic or somewhere in between, it is not either or.” But how can this be so?
The biggest secret
“One of the biggest occult secrets used against us is that THE NATURE OF A HUMAN BEING IS THAT A HUMAN BEING IS PROGRAMMABLE, and CAN BE WORKED INTO A PARTICULAR CONDITION! That is the true NATURE of a human being. It depends on how the human being is “worked”.
Mark says it is like asking the question: “What is the nature of this sculpting clay?” Is the nature of this sculpting clay that it automatically forms into some beautiful, majestic work of art or is it that it is useless, can’t be worked at all and just forms into amorphous blobs everywhere?
The nature of sculpting clay is neither of those things. The nature of sculpting clay is that you can sculpt it. That is also the NATURE of a human being. It can be sculpted into various polarities of human CONDITION depending on what goes into that human being.
The human being can be conditioned into whatever you want it to be. That is the secret.”
“How a human being turns out is determined by what we program that human being with. What do we put into that human being? If we put good, quality material in, if we put good quality understanding, if we put truth into that human being, if we put compassion into it, nurturing, creativity and logic and we put a healthy desire to question things into that human being, we’ll have a human being that has all of those traits.
We’ll have a compassionate, critical thinking human being that knows the difference between right and wrong and the behavioral output is going to be great. They will be doing things that are good for the world and for society all around them. “
Garbage in: garbage out
“Conversely, if we put garbage into a human being, totally selfish belief systems, the idea that man is just another animal, there is no higher expectation of human kind than to know the difference between right and wrong and then choose the right over wrong, to not harm others, if we say harm whoever you want just don’t get caught.
What kind of output and behavior are we going to get from that human being? That human will be worked into a condition that makes you think that that particular person is just like another animal that lives like a beast in the field and is vicious, cut throat, cunning and ruthless.
But that is not the NATURE of the human being. That is the CONDITION that the being has been worked into.“
“A condition is what we make it. It has been conditioned to be what we want, that is why they call it a condition. The condition of your computer or television is dependent upon how well you kept it and what you put into it. Did you put good parts and software into it? Did you repair it’s parts when they broke down?
The Satanists and Dark Occultists who run our institutions are mistaking human nature with the human condition to justify their own immoral behavior caused by their own negative conditioning in their own lives. This is a false axiom of belief based on their own erroneous perception of human nature.
Anyone who buys into the Satanic religion has essentially “bought into” the belief that the fundamental nature of the human being is bad, greedy, selfish and animalistic. That may be the condition that the majority of human beings have been worked into at the current time that we live in by the various control mechanisms put in place by our profoundly sick culture and society, but it is not human nature.“
“The human being can be changed at any time depending on the quality of information that is going into the human being. If good information goes in, good output comes out. If bad information goes into a human being, garbage comes out.”
Ego identification
“One of our biggest problems right now is that in the current human condition, humans are suffering from “Ego Identification”. Human beings play different roles in life. Someone may play the role of a parent, or what they do at their job like a sales person. These are situations or aspects of a person’s life.
These are what people are doing, not who people are. Some people have siblings so they themselves are a sibling. That is just another aspect of their life. So people play out different situations and roles in our lives. These are all different “egos” that have to act and behave in certain and sometimes different ways in each of these situations.“
Ego Identification is where we become attached to one of our many particular roles or life aspects and we start to see that role as who we are, as our actual identity instead of just one of the many roles we play in our life. We are identifying, or taking on as our identity, one or more of these particular ego roles.
For example: you ask somebody “Who are you?” They come back and say “I’m a taxi driver” or “I’m a cop”. Is that who they are or does that happen to be a job they perform on a daily basis to make some money? That may be how they define their own identity but that is not who or what they really are, that is ego identification.
In reality a person can do something else as a job or hobby any time they want to. They can change to a new ego role at any time they choose. Just because you are a soldier or doctor now doesn’t mean you always were and doesn’t mean you always will be.
“The problem is when people start to get locked into these roles and identify that role as who they are and can’t imagine they are anything else other than that particular role. It is a mode of consciousness that is limiting and it stops that human being’s expanded consciousness from growing and puts it into a tiny limited box by saying that everything outside of these parameters of this role that I identify myself as is not who I am.
“This is who I am. I am a cop in this particular city and a parent. That’s it. That’s all there is to me, that’s all I am.” No. that is just a few things they do in reality.”
Authoritarian mindset
“Attachment to these ego roles can be very powerful, especially in Authoritarian mindsets and jobs like military, police and government roles. This can even be seen in the field of education in people who have tenure at big Universities or even school principals. I am a professor, that’s who I am. This is my life and that’s it.”
“This is why these people cannot hear information that conflicts with who they think they are or information that criticizes the particular organization that they have ego identified themselves as being or with what they are doing.
If you try to talk about the “Police State” with a cop or try to talk about the imperialistic mindset of your country with a soldier of that country, they have a difficult time separating themselves from that identified role as cop or soldier and this prevents them from even being able to see or hear the truth about what is being said or what is actually going on in the world at a particular time. They don’t want to hear that because they think “Hey, I’M involved in that. That’s who I am!””
Mark Passio points out that you can try to tell a teacher about the outcome based education indoctrination system that is based on the Prussian educational model and how that was just a cult like mind control program for indoctrinating children into becoming mindless automatons who follow the State and do whatever it told them to do.
“You can explain to some teachers point for point how this is exactly the current educational system in America right now, at this time in history. But because that person is involved in that role as a teacher in that system right now, they can’t hear that. You can tell it to them but it is not sinking in because they are thinking “Well, I’M a teacher and I know that I’M a good person and I’m involved in this system so it can’t be what you or the facts are saying that it is.”
This is the danger of people who are attached to Ego Identification. They can willingly continue to participate in evil without even realizing it because they see that job or behavior as who they are at the very essence of their being, no matter what harm that organization or activity may be causing to others on the planet. That is why it can be so hard to get through information to people that is conflicting with their world-view and their belief system as a member of that institution.”
“That is why it is so important to understand what Ego Identification is and to help try and break down the barriers to it, to help bring people out of that conditioned mindset that what you do is who you are. That is not who you are. Who you are can be changed with an act of your own will in the very present moment, at any time you choose.
It’s all about taking a look at yourself and seeing yourself from a different perspective. We have to stop being so attached to the “story” we keep telling ourselves that we are. That is just a story. That is not who we really are at a deep fundamental level.”
The important difference between Wisdom and Knowledge
Mark puts his own definition to the word Wisdom. He describes wisdom as “Doing the right action with the knowledge that you have come to acquire.” “You now have understanding based upon knowledge, which is hopefully based upon truth. You’ve taken truth in, you have knowledge and you have understanding of that knowledge or truth.
Mark says that only when you take action, the right action based on the implications of that knowledge and understanding does it become wisdom. It is not enough to know, one must act accordingly. Wisdom is what you do with knowledge.
Wisdom is right action, or action in true alignment with natural law and the laws of morality. You are taking actions that are not causing harm to anyone and benefits society.”
The two fold New World Order
Mark warns us that the religion of the N.W.O. or what he calls the “dark” New World Order is two-fold. “It is a mixture of “Dark Luciferianisme” at the top levels and Satanism underneath that. These two religions comprise what he calls “the Dark Great Work”, which is the work of slavery and totalitarianism.”
“The people who propagate the negative world-view are the Satanists. They are the “minions” of the Dark New World Order. These are the high level Satanists like Anton LeVey, Peter Gilmore, etc. These are people who have such a negative and jaded world-view about human nature that they have bought into the dark ideologies and are propagating them themselves.
These people are unable to break free of that and come up to a higher consciousness level of understanding about the world.” For Mark Passio, he was only able to break free of that after enormous suffering and realizing that the suffering was a result of the negative world view that he was harboring.
“Above the Satanists are the Dark Luciferians. These are the dangerous people because they really do understand how “natural law” operates. These are the true dark black magicians or “sorcerers” that are running the show. They are multi-generational dark occultists who’s families propagate enormous wealth, power and influence in society. They are connected to ruling elite bloodlines that go back into the ancient world.
Their mindset is that the entire universe or creation itself is nothing more than a prison for their own consciousness and the consciousness of those like them who are psychopathic and sociopathic and want to rule over everything, but they know that natural law is in effect.”
“These people look at natural law as a prison condition. Under natural law we have free will to choose our own behaviors, but we don’t have free will to choose our own behaviors without consequence. The behaviors that we choose carry consequences with them. The whole philosophy of natural law has often been termed Consequentialism. The principals that underlie natural law are the basis of deep positive occult teachings taught in the ancient mystery schools.”
“Dark Luciferianism is the religion of the dark ruling Priest class that is really running the Earth right now. This group looks at the boundary conditions of natural law or the spiritual laws of consequence that govern the decisions that we make through our own free will. The goal of the Dark Luciferian Priest class is to do whatever they want without consequence. They essentially want to turn the natural laws of creation on their head.
Why do they do this? What do they want?
They want to find a way to break the laws of creation by doing whatever they want, no matter who it harms, and being insulated from the consequences of those behavioral choices. This is total folly and cannot be done, but they want to insulate themselves from those consequences to the extent of their power in the physical domain. They want to be the rulers in and of the physical world. They are ego driven.
They consider the physical world hell because of the rules of natural law and they want to be rulers of this physical hell, rather than serve the creation by propagating the understanding of natural law. Following natural law in a positive way means serving the creation, which is the “true great work” of the good Freemasons, Gnostics and mystery school adepts of the light.”
“They have actually become quite effective at momentarily overturning natural law in a way and being able to do whatever they want, no matter how vicious, evil or harmful it is, without paying the consequences themselves in this physical world. In other words, avoiding repercussions from Karma or the principal of what comes around goes around. The balance of their negative actions will be paid in this world or the next, at some place or time or another even if it’s after death, and they know this.
Their goal is to extend their lives as long as possible in this world and not pay any karmic retribution while here. It sounds crazy but nobody said these people are sane. They are working on life extension technology to keep their consciousness here for as extended a time as possible.
This dark Priest class is the behind the Trans-humanist agenda we see unfolding today to merge man with machine and merge consciousness with machine. This dark Priest Class makes up the Eugenicists and Social Darwinists of today. They are trying to play “God” here on Earth.“
“These Dark Luciferians are the people who cannot accept “reality” the most, more than anybody else. They know what the reality of natural law is and how it works, but they cannot accept it. To get around this in the current physical realm, they are insulating themselves from consequences by a very smart methodology.
Instead of doing all of the negative and hurtful behaviors themselves, they have understood that the karmic or natural law consequences are going to be lessened or dampened if they can get other people to do the bad behaviors for them.”
“This is where the idea of “moral culpability” comes into play when we talk about who is really running the control system. It’s a Priest Class of Dark Occultists, more specifically Dark Luciferians because they have the knowledge. That is all that the word “Lucifer” means, “one who brings knowledge or one who carries knowledge”. In Latin, Lux and Lucius mean “light” or “knowledge of how things really work and operate” in occult schools of thought.
We measure light in Lumens, which comes from Lux in Latin. The Latin term “Ferre” means “to carry”, which is where our modern word Ferry comes from. So Lucifer means to carry the knowledge of how things really work. So Luciferians are those who have a lot of sacred esoteric knowledge in their possession.
They are Polymaths, people who have studied a whole lot about a whole lot. They have tremendous in-depth knowledge about how things work, particularly about how the human psyche works and how the laws of nature work. They know these two things in depth that is what occult knowledge is all about.
The Minor and Major Arcana
The “minor arcana” of occult is the microcosm or mona of consciousness called the human being, which is the human psyche, the underlying motivations and drives of the human being. It also entails the different qualities of the personality.
Then you have the “major arcana” or the macrocosm, which is about the laws of nature and the universe, especially the rules of natural law. This knowledge is being used against us in advertising, propaganda, psychology, symbolism, language, education, media and many other various ways by those who rule.”
“The Dark Luciferians do not want to share and use this occult knowledge to help bring other human beings up in consciousness and help them understand how these things work so that they can improve themselves and help improve society. They want to hoard all of that esoteric knowledge and use it against other people to control them.
You may wonder why David Cameron and the British government now want to ban internet access to websites containing “esoteric material”. Now you know.
“So these Dark Luciferians get other people to do these negative, immoral actions for them by manipulating their mind into believing they have to do it. In doing this, they insulate themselves as much as possible from the karmic natural laws of consequence for those actions in the real physical world. This comes back to “moral culpability”.
Who is more morally culpable, the one who gives an order to commit harm to another person or the one who carries out that order and actually commits the harm to another person? Invariably at all times and places, the brunt of moral culpability is always going to be taken by the person who commits the act of harm to another, rather than the one who gave those orders.
The person who carried out the action is the one who lead to the manifestation of the wrong doing by physically doing the action. The action would not have been done if the order follower simply said “No, I will not do that. That is going to cause harm and I will not be a part of it”. By refusing to carry out the order, that stops the manifestation of the evil thought right then and there.”
“Let the order giver carry out the manifestation and the evil act if they can. Most of these Dark Luciferians are old men with graying hair in dark suits, smoking cigars and cigarettes who are either overweight from indulgent lifestyles or skin and bones because of a metabolism from an over-active mind. These men couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag if they tried, so they can’t possibly carry out the act of physically harming others themselves in most cases.
They have to get “dupes” to carry out these actions for them. They need people who have no idea what’s really going on in the world and in life, who have never opened a non-fiction book and read once in their life, don’t pay attention to anything and are extremely ignorant, people who have self-loathing tendencies and ultimately hate themselves and want to be kept like pets, people who want to be ordered around everywhere so they don’t have to think for themselves.
Basically self-loathing children with mommy and daddy abandonment issues that haven’t been worked out make perfect dupes for the Dark Luciferian Priest classes biddings.”
“These are your typical unquestioning order follower type people. The Satanists and Luciferians are giving them all of these commands of immoral things that they have no right to do and they are saying “yes sir, yes sir, yes ma’am, let me go out and do these things to keep my paycheck, to keep my job” or to keep their Ego Identification of the role they play in life, this is who I am, I am a cop or I am a soldier.
These poor dupes are taking on all of the negative karmic and the brunt of the natural law consequences and responsibility for the whims of sick, twisted psychopaths who look at themselves as these dupe’s “owners” or “masters”.”
“Yet they continue to do it because they don’t know any better. They don’t know themselves outside of their false ego identification. They don’t know the first thing about the first thing. They don’t know “principles”. Order followers who blindly follow orders to harm other people don’t have principles.
Why do order followers lack principles and ethics?
If you are actively an unquestioning order follower to the point that you harm yourself or others by following those orders, you don’t have principles, you don’t know what principles are. You can think you have principles, you can believe you have principles, but you don’t know what principles really are.“
“People with principles act with their own volition because they know that what they are doing is the right thing to do, based on knowledge of truth and knowledge of the definitive objective difference between right and wrong.
The good news is that even if you have acted without principles before in your life, you can simply change things by acting with principles any time you choose. Simply say “No.” Quit your job. Don’t follow orders that cause harm to others or yourself. Do something else, no matter what immediate consequences or hardship it brings you.”
“Blindly following orders is not a virtue. It is absolutely the most reprehensible path to all forms of evil.
All of the murder and genocide throughout history were not carried out by the psychopathic order givers in our history books. They may have gotten the blame for it, but the actual murders themselves were carried out, or manifested in the physical world by the unquestioning order followers who did the bidding of these leaders with no resistance whatsoever.”
Mark Passio says that the irony is that the order followers are serving people who hate and loathe them, the order followers the most. “The psychopathic priest classes of Satanism and Dark Luciferianism who run the New World Order hate the order followers who do their bidding more than anybody else.
They look at them as “pawns”, “puppets”, “clowns” and even “dogs”. Henry Kissinger is alleged to have said “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy”. This is how they feel about the same police and military men who protect them and carry out their orders.
They hate, loathe and detest these people but they will use them and use them until they are all used up, physically, spiritually and emotionally and have done so much evil bidding that they have taken on the karmic consequences for acting the sorcerers sick twisted thoughts.”
“The Satanists and Dark Occultists are too cowardly to carry out their own sick twisted thoughts. They instead prey on people with psychological illnesses and issues who have never looked into healing themselves. People with self-loathing and abandonment issues are usually the biggest prey. Even though there is knowledge and healing methods all around most of these people, they often want to take their own issues out on other people and are quite willing to blindly follow orders to harm others, rather than taking the time to look into themselves and find out what psychological trauma it is they need to heal from their past.
Many of these people never ask themselves why they are strapping on a gun or a badge and following orders from some psychopath. They think they are courageous, but are they? Do we describe the Gestapo, the SS, the Soviet Secret Police as courageous? No, they are cowards who wouldn’t say “No” to their superior officers or controllers above them.”
“These blind order following “dupes” are not un-intelligent people. They have the capacity to figure this out but they don’t work with their capacity like most others do. They are illiterate, un-educated, un-read completely ignorant people. They would rather just take action and follow orders because somebody else told theme to do it.
They think that is going to absolve them from their moral responsibility to choose right behavior over wrong behavior. They don’t have to think about it, they just accept the order and do it un-questioningly. Many of the police and military know they will get off from legal punishment or consequences, despite having no idea of the karmic moral consequences that will follow due to natural law, even if protected from human civil law.
What is the suicide rate for returning soldiers from wars? This is the dynamic between the Dark Occultists and their karmic stunt double dupes.”
So what is the answer? What’s the solution?
Mark Passio says it’s simple and he gives it to us in just three words: “QUIT YOUR JOB. The other solution being: STOP FOLLOWING ORDERS. That’s it. Most people don’t want to hear this, but that is the solution.” Why?
“Because if you are involved or work in a corporation, organization or institution, and that corporation, institution or organization is doing something morally wrong, then you are involved in that morally wrong behavior. You are involved in that moral wrongness.
Whether you want to tell yourself “I’m not really co-operating with it, I’m trying to work through the inside to change it around, I need this job or I’ll be out on the street..etc” It’s all just justification. Here’s the bottom line: They want the paycheck, they want to be attached to the thing that they say that they know, “This is all I know. I’m just doing my job.””
Mark says that what these little order followers are, who follow the orders of the Dark Priest Classes “are nothing more than frightened little boys and frightened little girls who believe that this is all they are and that this is all they could ever be or do. If that is their view of their self, more likely than not they are never going to be able to break that mind control.
If you have any level of self-respect, you will stop being an immoral order follower and quite your job. That is the answer.
The answer is not: “I need to talk about what’s going on in my corrupt institution and still be a part of it.” They are lying to themselves. The people who are in charge of these corrupt institutions are howling with laughter at the people who think they can somehow stay in these corrupt institutions and make it better from the inside. It doesn’t work that way and it is going to be very popular for people to hear.
If you are involved in a corrupt institution you need to quite your job and go do something else. You are a human being that is capable of doing more than you think you are capable of. You are certainly capable of breaking out of the poisonous mind control of people who hate you so much that they look at you as if you are less than something they just scraped off of the bottom of their shoe.
Resolve unresolved psychological issues
If you have abandonment issues, psychological trauma issues and self loathing issues, you need to get personal help, rather than working for a corrupt institution as an order following lapdog and taking your problems out on other people.”
“The psychological dynamics need to be understood in plain simple language. The state and institutions are taking the place of the mommy and daddy for the people who have suffered these mental, physical and even sexual abuses in their childhood. These people are the most likely candidates to take the order following dupe jobs for these corrupt institutions ruled by the Satanists and Dark Occultists.”
“One cannot tear down a corrupt negative institution from the inside. You don’t stay in the Satanic cult with the mentality that you are going to spread truth within the Satanic organization and affect positive change. It’s cognitive dissonance.
One has to leave the organization and spread light work to tear down the entire structure from the outside by exposing it. That is what a positive Mason does. A true Freemason, is alight builder. A light builder tears down the negative structures.”
“There are such things as light Freemasons, light Kabbalists and even light Luciferians. There are many people who falsely believe that all of the mystery schools and esoteric teachings are all bad. That is simply not true. There is a positive form for every one of the negative forms of these organizations and teachings. They contain knowledge that can be used for good or evil, depending on the intent of the person who has that knowledge.
A fire can keep you warm and cook your food or it can be used to burn down your house. Such is the nature of esoteric occult knowledge. It is about understanding what are you going to be building your contribution to reality with? Are you going to be building with fear, negativity and harmful actions or are you going to be building with light, knowledge, true understanding, compassion and truth?”
Solipsism, the New Age deception
“The New Age movement has it wrong as well. They believe that you only propagate the good and never talk about the bad. They are actually doing a dis-service to the community by taking that mindset. Because what you ignore is what persists.
When you ignore negative, evil things that are taking place around you, that is when they persist. Many new agers turn that around and say what you resist persists. It’s actually what you are wrongly resisting. When you are wrongly resisting the truth, the negative consequences of doing that are going to persist. When you wrongly resist getting involved in the process of exposing evil and exposing injustice and negativity going on in this world, that is when it is going to persist.
You don’t have to dwell on it and be obsessed with it, but by knowing what is going on and being able to effectively communicate that to others as well, you will be in an empowered position and be able to help put other people in an empowered position as well, through knowledge.”
“You can’t ignore something and expect it to go away. When you ignore symptoms they get worse because you are never making an accurate diagnosis of the condition that is causing the problem. That is why the New Age movement can’t give people the solutions, the real solutions, because they are ignoring the problems.
They’re not talking about the negative and therefor they are never really getting down to an accurate diagnosis of the causal factors. In not doing so, you cannot identify the solutions either. You’ll end up running around blind searching for answers to a problem that you have no idea what caused it in the first place, so you’ll never figure out how to fix it.”
“The dark forces are taking action 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to take away rights and freedoms. When the good people take no action because they say “that’s resisting the negative, that’s resisting the evil, don’t give them your attention and energy, just ignore them.” That’s what we’re here to do, is resist the evil.
Evil only triumphs when good men do nothing. We should rather lead a rebellion against all of this evil in the world.”
Mind control
When Mark announced that he was going to leave the Church of Satan he was told by one high ranking member that he was making a big mistake and had no idea just how much they had the general population under mind control.
“You don’t understand how much we have their mind. You don’t understand where the population is at. They are so mind controlled that you believe you are going to go tell them what you understand about Satanism and what you’ve seen here and who’s involved with us, and that they’re going to somehow embrace what you’re saying, that they’re going to believe you, that they’re going to change as a result of what you are telling them. You think that society is going to change. You are so wrong that you don’t even know how naïve you are.
The level of mental manipulation that we have the general public under is so great, so powerful, so total that if we ourselves came forward, all of us, simultaneously in all the institutions that we’re involved in came out and said We are Satanists, here’s what we’re involved in, here’s what our ideology is all about, here’s what it entails, here’s how we do it, here’s how we operate and control the media, here’s how we control the military industrial complex, here’s how we control the medicine and food industry, the monetary system through the belief in money, fractional reserve fiat currencies , the police, how we control them with occult symbols, etc.
If we came out and exposed exactly what we do and how we do it and how we control their minds and are the controllers of all of their institutions in every aspect of their lives, THEY WOULDN’T EVEN BELIEVE US! We have our subjects so mind controlled that we ourselves can’t even take them out of the mind control. We are powerless in a sense from even undoing what we have already done.”
The Dark Occultists and Satanists refer to the everyday people as “the dead”. “In a sense they are not alive because they identify so much with their version of life, how they believe life is, or in other words just the story of life, the propagated movie variant of reality being projected on them on a day to day basis, like on a movie screen in their mind. They have no real knowledge so their thoughts are deadened.
They have no empathy, compassion or emotion over the injustices going on in the world to others or even their children, so they are emotionally dead. They are in a sense spiritually dead as they don’t have any spiritual aspects to their personality. Like robots, they don’t fully understand who and what they really are at a deep universal level of consciousness. Their actions are deadened. They are not taking any action about the injustices going on around them because they have no knowledge and they don’t care.”
“We need to understand that it is going to be very difficult, if not impossible to bring these kinds of people out of their mind control conditioning. They are so attached to the prison, so attached to the lie that they love the prison, they love the lie, they want their slavery. They love it because it implies no responsibility for them to have to be able to think. These people do not want to think.
Our freedom is dependent upon the behavior of these mind controlled order followers in corrupt institutions who are carrying out the harm and will of these Satanists and dark occultists against the general populations. These order followers erroneously believe that staying in that child like emotional state of not having to think or make moral personal decisions can somehow absolve them from personal responsibility for their actions.”
“Their story goes something like this in their minds: I was abused, I was abandoned. I hate myself. I don’t want to think. This is the condition I am in now and this is the condition I want to stay in. I want to stay this helpless, harmed child because then I have no responsibility to anybody, most of all myself. Therefor I don’t want to know anything. I don’t want to learn anything. I don’t want to know what’s going on in the world and especially what’s going on inside myself.
I want to stay in a state of ignorance and total darkness because I believe that absolves me from responsibility for my behaviors and actions. I’m just following orders. All my physical and material needs will be met and I can easily ride through life by just following the harmful orders of my psychopath superior. I’m only physical. There are no deeper psychological or emotional components to me. Most of all there is no spirit. I’m just a collection of atoms that is all working like a dead machine.
When life ceases, that’s it, eternal blackness and no continuation of consciousness in any other form or realm.” It’s all about self-loathing and abuse/abandonment issues that have not been worked out from earlier in life. Until these issues are dredged up and dealt with, these people are incapable of developing self-respect or even wanting to learn.“
Can these dupes be saved?
Mark is not that optimistic about changing the human condition. In all of his years of research and lecturing he only knows one police officer and one military soldier who have taken the time to learn the truth and then quit their jobs because of it. “Until more people start doing this great work of putting the truth out there to other people, things are not going to change. More people need to start speaking out about the difference between right and wrong. More people need to start speaking out about the evil going on in the institutions of this world, most of all the police and the military.
Until more people start speaking about this openly to people who are involved in these corrupt institutions, don’t expect anything to change for the better in this world. It will just continue to get worse and worse. These people are a cult. It is a secret society. The police are a cult. The military is a cult. It is a secret society that takes these people away from average society. They are trained in a sequestered environment. They are put through regimented ritual practices that condition them through deep hypnotic repetition and conditioning upon them in their boot camp and training camps. “
“They are cults. They use the exact same techniques that every other cult uses. Isolation, repetition, us vs. them mentality, poor diet, rituals, trauma, sleep deprivation, etc. These police and military men and women are indoctrinated cult members whether they know it or not.
The task before us is no less than this: it is converting a cult member out of their cult belief system. That is what we need to do. That is the work of anyone who understands this information. It is going to take tremendous will, knowledge, hard work and courage. That is what wisdom really is, doing that work and taking that action.”
If you want to learn more about this topic you an visit Mark Passio’s website: http://whatonearthishappening.com/
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