“COMMAND PB STARDUST” – New Pleiadian Protocol to Ease Physical Pain & Drastically Reduce Suffering on This Planet
The Pleiadians would like to help people with chronic pain and have developed a protocol that can help ease the pain. If you have chronic physical pain, you can repeat three times in your mind…..
“Command PB Stardust”
Pleiadians will then use their advanced technologies to access your
central nervous system to ease your pain. This new protocol is still in
development and is limited in its efficiency and the Pleiadians are
asking for feedback. Those who use this protocol are welcome to report
its effects in the comment section on the blog: 2012portal.blogspot.comThis protocol for removal of chronic pain has been proven to be about 80% effective. The main factors reducing the effectivity of the protocol are suppressed guilt, suppressed negative emotions, past life soul contracts with the dark forces and extremely complex and/or strong medical conditions.
You need to understand that this protocol in most cases does not heal the cause of the pain, it just adjusts the central nervous system so that is decreases the pain signal. Moderate pain signal is then simply a sign that something is wrong with the physical body and medical attention is needed. This protocol is NOT a substitute for medical intervention by conventional and/or alternative medicine.
The Light forces have requested that this protocol go viral as it has the power to drastically reduce the amount of unnecessary suffering on the surface of the planet.
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